Diet has a profound effect on our mind, body and soul. It’s a famous Indian adage “you become what you eat.” Hence in order to keep your joints fit and healthy one should do considerable changes in their diet regimen. The foods that avert inflammation, help in building high bone density and provide strength to connective tissues can work wonders in preventing injuries, preserving joints and they also act as natural pain killers for joint pains.
Recommended Food that can help you diminish joint inflammation and enhance overall health of joints is discussed below:
- Beans and Lentils : All the beans such as chickpeas, soybeans and lentils are extremely rich in flavonoids such as anthocyanins which are reported to diminish inflammation in one’s body. Beans and lentils also contain an immense amount of necessary minerals, protein and fiber.
- Seed and nuts : A variety of seeds and nuts are full of Omega-3 fatty acid that is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in diminishing inflammation in connective tissues. The commonly available nuts are almonds, flax seeds, chia seeds and walnuts.
- Cruciferous Veggies : They belong to the Brassica genus of plants and includes broccoli, Arugula, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, radish. These vegetables are reported to stop enzymes that are responsible for joint swelling. Moreover, ample amounts of vitamins and minerals are also present in these foods.
- Whole Grain : Grains are known to dampen the inflammatory response of our body and lessen inflammation. Whole grains that are advised for joint pain are whole oats, whole wheat and barley.
- Dark Chocolate : Cutting the amount of refined sugar in one’s diet has great effect in relieving the joint pain. Dark chocolate that has an ample amount of antioxidants and helps in reduction of inflammation is recommended.
- Olive oil : Refined oils, peanut and vegetable oils are reported to enhance the level of inflammation. One should replace them with olive oil for cooking purposes as well as for salad dressing. Olive oil is sufficiently rich in Omega -3 fatty acid which helps in the reduction of inflammation.
Further apart from knowing which food to eat it is equally important to know what foods are responsible for increasing inflammation of joints and which food helps in help to lubricate the joints ? Certain foods are known to increase overall inflammation in your body especially in joints.
Below is the list of foods to avoid in order to stay away from joint pain?
- Processed foods: In today’s world, everything is becoming fast paced hence our foods have also joined the race. Now we are eating canned and processed foods which destroy the natural properties of food. Even the anti-inflammatory foods if they are processed will do more harm than protect.
- Fried Foods: All the food that is fried or deep fried are well known to wreak havoc in our body. They are extremely rich in fats that get deposited in our body and overtime cause inflammation of joints.
- Saturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids can increase the amount of inflammatory chemicals produced by our systems. Cooking oils containing omega-6 include corn, sunflower, safflower, grape seed, vegetable, and peanut oils. These ingredients can also be found in condiments like salad dressing and mayonnaise.
- Salt: Salt has the ability to attract water to the body's cells, aggravating knee pain and inflammation. Another dietary additive that causes chronic joint inflammation and increases joint pain is monosodium glutamate, or MSG. Avoid foods high in these nutrients, especially those that are processed or packed, such as canned soup, pizza, some types of cheese, and fast food.
- Sugar: Sugar is such a frequent ingredient in our diets that we aren't aware of its consequences because we consume so much of it on a daily basis. High blood sugar stimulates immune cells, which produce substances that irritate your tissues and joints, resulting in the production of inflammatory cells. Sugar, Trans fats, saturated fats, and preservatives abound in fast food, processed snacks, and gluten-filled baked products. Sugar that has been refined and other carbs.
- Purine-rich non-vegetarian foods: red meat, organ meat, such as liver, beer, and other alcoholic beverages aggravate arthritic symptoms and can increase the intensity and frequency of gout attacks. cured meats including ham, bacon, and lunch meats, as well as mussels and scallopsDiet has a profound effect on our mind, body and soul. It’s a famous Indian adage “you become what you eat.” Hence in order to keep your joints fit and healthy one should do considerable changes in their diet regimen. The foods that avert inflammation, help in building high bone density and provide strength to connective tissues can work wonders in preventing injuries, preserving joints and they also act as natural pain killers for joint pains.